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Armond Leake – Board Chair
My Vision : “I would like the membership to grow. Attract more young families, grow the youth program. I would like Unity of Richmond to become more visible to the community, more active in community projects. I would like to see more members on the leadership team. I see greater financial stability and prosperity for Unity of Richmond. I see Unity expanding our offerings with diverse activities and creatively thinking outside the box.”
Mary Beth – Vice Chair
My Vision: My vision is that we are a thriving, inclusive spiritual center that is a safe space for a diverse, growing membership for all peoples to experience spirit and to develop their unique gifts through the Unity Principles. We continue to be open to express Spirit through many programs and open to new approaches to experience our “church without walls.” My vision for Unity of Richmond includes manifesting membership growth in an evolving church market. The board of trustees continues to work cohesively to support the vision of both the minister and the congregation. We are a welcoming light and an attraction for those who want to be a part of a loving spiritual community and we support all who desire to discover the best versions of themselves through programs and fellowship.
Dr. Edy Bouldin – Secretary
My Vision is to serve as we move to a church without walls and
serve our community within and the community beyond our walls by celebrating Spirit in our lives.
Maureen Anderson – Treasurer
My Vision : My vision is to see Unity of Richmond as a “church without walls” consistently tithing 10% of our monthly income.
Kaira Boston – Member at Large
My Vision: I see Unity of Richmond growing into our mission of being a church without walls. Those who are currently part of Unity of Richmond will be transformed so they support the transformation of others. More folks will be attracted to us as we share more events via social media and leverage online tools and connection to serve them.
Lynn Johnston – Member at Large
My Vision : My vision is to see Unity of Richmond as a “church without walls” consistently tithing 10% of our monthly income.