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Professional Background:
I am a licensed Occupational Therapist since 1985. I have worked with adults in rehabilitation, nursing homes, and work with children and adolescents in a hospital setting. I run a stress management, relaxation group
and also a life skills and cooking group. I am responsible for writing reports for treatment plans and managing a wide variety of diagnoses and disabilities to get them to their most functional level possible.
Unity Experience:
I joined Unity of Richmond in 1996. I have prior experience on the board and served as board president. I have attended many classes at Unity of Richmond over the years for my spiritual growth and development. I served as chair for the Women of Unity group and co- founded our Prayer Chaplains program in 2001. I have served as co-chair and chair for 18 years.
I hold the truth that Unity of Richmond is financially stable and prosperous with members and attendees that support Unity with their time and talent and treasures.
I am Dr. Edythe Bouldin and Unity of Richmond has been my home for over 15 years. Over the
years, I have had many volunteer opportunities to serve, including board member, outreach team,
green team, chaplain, and filling in where needed. My Unity background also includes taking
most foundational Spiritual Education and Enrichment courses where I enhanced my spiritual
awakening and enlightenment. My mission is to serve as we move to a church without walls and
serve our community within and the community beyond our walls by celebrating Spirit in our
Professional Background:
Software/Business Architect. NY Leatherneck Ball Committee Member with the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation; Secretary of the Board and Director of Communications for the Warrior Ranch Foundation
Unity Experience:
Maureen has attended several classes offered by previous ministers and numerous guest teachers. She was Chairperson of the Minister Search Committee and serves as a Platform Assistant. Maureen has been a Youth Director and was a Youth Ed Teacher for over 20 years. Maureen is a member of the Cultural Awareness and Diversity Team.
I see Unity of Richmond continuing to stand as a strong community despite challenges we face as we rise above the pandemic. We grow in prosperity and carry out community outreach. We promote programs such as Youth and Adult Ed, Prayer Chaplain, Cultural Awareness and Diversity, Music and Choir, WOU, MOU. We continue to develop individual spirituality by offering a variety of learning experiences.
Unity Experience:
Student of the Alliance for Spiritual Understanding recently completed 3rd year. Science of Mind practitioner; Administrator for over 30 years at several state and local levels.
A little about:
Since becoming a member, Armond has taken on several roles in the Music Ministry – Soloist, Guitarist, Bass Singer, leader of the Worship Team. He’s volunteered his services during Fundraisers, Fall Festivals, and other Unity Events. He serves as a Platform Assistant and was a member of the Minster Search Committee.
I would like the membership to grow. Attract more young families, grow the youth program. I would like Unity of Richmond to become more visible to the community, more active in community projects. I would like to see more members on the leadership team. I see greater financial stability and prosperity for Unity of Richmond. I see Unity expanding our offerings with diverse activities and creatively thinking outside the box.